Hi, you can free download APK file "Iman Invest" for your Huawei Honor 5X, apk file version is 2.3.63 to download to your Huawei Honor 5X just click this button. It's easy and warranty. We provide only original apk files
Screenshosts of Iman Invest
Description of IMAN INVEST

IMAN Invest - faith-based investments

Thousands of investors trust their savings to IMAN Invest, because it is the only convenient program to increase their funds and achieve their goals based on honest investments.

Advantages of IMAN Invest:
1. Achieve your goals with an honest profit of up to 25% per year.
2. Become an IMAN investor without leaving home.
3. Develop Islamic finance by investing from 500 thousand soums.
4. Track your investments with your smartphone.
5. Automatically reinvest or withdraw monthly profits.
6. Make additional investments starting from 100,000 soums at any time
7. Invest for a period starting from 6 months.
8. Withdraw investments early by giving 3 months notice to the application.

To become an investor:
1. Install the application.
2.Log in using your phone number or Email.
3. Invest from 500,000 soums using a card, bank transfer or cash through the bank.

Version history IMAN INVEST
New in Iman Invest 2.3.63
Bug fix!
New in Iman Invest 2.3.40
Minor bugs have been fixed.
New in Iman Invest 2.3.3
Minor bugs have been fixed
New in Iman Invest 2.3.2

Minor bugs fixed.

Ispravleny nebolshie bagi.
New in Iman Invest 2.3.0
- Added the ability to invest via Visa and Mastercard
- Fixed minor bugs.

- Добавлена ​​возможност инвестироват через Visa and Mastercard.
- Ispravleny nebolshie bagi.
New in Iman Invest 2.1.4

New in Iman Invest 2.1.3

New in Iman Invest 2.1.2

Minor bugs fixed.

Ispravleny nebolshie bagi. Minor bugs fixed. Ispravleny nebolshie bagi.
New in Iman Invest 2.1.1

New in Iman Invest 2.0.3
- Fundraising calculator has been added again. Now users can reach their goals faster with the calculator.
- Fixed some system performance issues.

- Povtorno added investment calculator. Teper zovateli mogut bystree dostigat svoix tseley s pomoshchyu calculator.
- Corrected some problems with the production system.
New in Iman Invest 2.0.2

New in Iman Invest 2.0.1
- Bonuses screen added
- Autopay function added
- Withdrawal issues fixed
- Application performance improved and bugs fixed

- Добавлен екран бонусов
- Добавлен функция автоплатежа
- Ispravleny problemy s vyvodom sredstv
- Uluchshena proizvoditelnost prilozheniya i ispravleny oshibki
New in Iman Invest 2.0.0
- Bonuses screen added
- Auto payment function added
- Withdrawal problems fixed
- Application performance improved and bugs fixed

- Добавлен екран бонусов
- Добавлен функция автоплатежа
- Ispravleny problemy s vyvodom sredstv
- Uluchshena proizvoditelnost prilozheniya i ispravleny oshibki
New in Iman Invest 1.6.5
- Fixed bug in sending bank checks
- Fixed withdrawal problems
- Added statistics of sales, merchants and recent transactions
- Application performance has been improved

- Ispravlena oshibka pri zagruzke bankovskix chekov
- Ispravlena problema s oformleniem zayavki na vyvod sredstv
- Dobablena statistika o prodajax, partnerax, poslednix sdelkax
- Uluchshena proizvoditelnost prilozheniya
New in Iman Invest 1.6.2
- The transaction window has been updated
- The problem with authorization has been eliminated

- обновление еклана транзактсий;
- ispravleny oshibki s avtorizatsiey;
New in Iman Invest 1.5.10

Kichik xatolar tuzatildi.

Исправлены небольшие баги.
New in Iman Invest 1.5.9

Kichik xatolar tuzatildi.

Исправлены небольшие баги.
New in Iman Invest 1.5.4

Kichik xatolar tuzatildi.

Исправлены небольшие баги.
New in Iman Invest 1.3.8
- Теперь копить на свои цели стало еще легче!
- Мы обновили дизайн приложения, чтобы улучшить ваш пользовательский опыт
- Мы упростили процесс регистрации, чтобы экономить ваше время
- Мы доработали наши экраны и исправили баги
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Other Iman Invest APK versions for Huawei Honor 5X
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